We are pleased to announce the launch of the Energy Corridor District’s Public Safety Reimbursement Grant Program, aimed at fostering a safer and more secure environment within our District through the installation of lighting and surveillance enhancements. As a responsible commercial property owner within the Energy Corridor District, we invite you to participate in this program and submit a reimbursement grant application for consideration.

All applications will be reviewed and awarded on a first-come-first served basis until funding has been exhausted. All application materials must be received by August 31, 2024

Application Process

To apply for the Energy Corridor District’s Public Safety Grant, please follow the steps outlined below.

  • Grant Application Preparation: Complete a grant application detailing how you intend to utilize the funds for lighting and/or surveillance enhancements within your commercial property.
  • Budget Proposal: Provide a detailed budget breakdown of how you plan to allocate funds for lighting, surveillance cameras, installation, and any associated costs. This budget must include the applicant match.
  • Project Need & Location: Describe how the District would benefit from lighting and/or surveillance cameras in this area and identify where you would install them in addition to your plan to maintain them.
  • Submission: All applications must be received by August 31, 2024. Please submit your grant application and accompanying documents via email to [email protected] with “Public Safety Grant” in the subject line.

    Additional Details:

    Application Review Period: Applications will be reviewed within 30 days of receipt.

    Grant Awardees Announcement: Awardees will be announced at the Board of Directors following their selection. Successful grantees will be contacted upon award determination.

    Law Enforcement Access: Grantees are required to provide law enforcement agencies with access to camera footage upon their request. This cooperation is vital for enhancing overall security and aiding law enforcement investigations.

    *Please note funds are for reimbursement of expenses and will not be dispersed until after the equipment purchase and installation are complete and The Energy Corridor District has received proof of both.

    City of Houston Ordinance 2022-307 Section 28-672 requires certain specifics regarding security cameras for sexually-oriented businesses, convenience stores, and game parlors. These technical requirements are incorporated here for all applicants – regardless of business type – to allow better law enforcement and judicial access.

Applicants must have a business that is within the Energy Corridor District. See District boundaries in the map to confirm your location falls within the District.

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